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  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                  25 - OS/2, Programs, Utilities and Help                  │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. 21DUMP.ZIP      24029  09-15-93  Replacement OS2DUMP to support ATI           
  6.                                | Ultra Graphics Adapter and Image             
  7.                                | Adapter/A. Fixes dump procedure on some      
  8.                                | machines where BIOS problems prevented       
  9.                                | dump. (IBMnet).                              
  10. 21GT16.ZIP     488814  08-12-93  OS/2 2.1 fix for machines with 16Mb          
  11.                                | RAM. It fixes two specific problems:         
  12.                                | 1) the inability to install, 2)              
  13.                                | continuous booting. You should only          
  14.                                | apply this fix if you've experienced         
  15.                                | these problems. See the README.1ST file      
  16.                                | for full details.                            
  17. 256ICONS.ZIP    46233  05-04-93  A group of new, very nice looking OS/2       
  18.                                | format icons. Despite the name of the        
  19.                                | file, not 256 of them.                       
  20. 6100APAR.ZIP    15503  07-31-93  OS/2 2.00 Service Pack #2. XR06100 APAR      
  21.                                | list (fix descriptions) of all fixes         
  22.                                | included.                                    
  23. 6100READ.ZIP    19413  08-28-93  OS/2 2.00 Service Pack #2. XR06100           
  24.                                | pre-install readme files. Use PKUNZIP to     
  25.                                | unpack.                                      
  26. A93_610.ZIP      6085  09-09-93  IBM PSP division product announcement:       
  27.                                | introduction of OS/2 Pen based               
  28.                                | extensions which will work with OS/2         
  29.                                | programs, DOS programs under OS/2 and        
  30.                                | Windows programs under OS/2 2.x.             
  31. AFE11.ZIP       10468  09-06-93  AFE.CMD v1.1: ARCHIVE FRONT END is a         
  32.                                | FREE(!) OS/2 2.x REXX and V-REXX program     
  33.                                | which provides visual front end for the      
  34.                                | creation, updating, unarchiving,             
  35.                                | scanning, viewing and printing of ZIP        
  36.                                | and LZH files.                               
  37. ALARM6.ZIP     255644  03-24-93  New Alarm Pro - Better Network               
  38.                                | Functions (OS/2).                            
  39. ALPHAL16.ZIP   260214  08-02-93  Alpha v1.6 for OS/2 2.x: A code browse       
  40.                                | and analysis program for Assembler (370      
  41.                                | & 386), PASCAL, PL/AS, C, FORTRAN etc.       
  42. ALRMP13D.ZIP   339381  05-01-93  Alarm Pro v1.3d is a 32bit OS/2 2.x          
  43.                                | program for managing your contacts,          
  44.                                | appointments, important events, and          
  45.                                | program scheduling from a convenient         
  46.                                | desktop clock.                               
  47. AMIOS2.ZIP      24883  11-22-93  AMI0OS2.ADD Series 15/44/441/48/70           
  48.                                | Adapter Driver for OS/2.                     
  49. ANIPAL.ZIP      16093  11-01-93  PM application, cycles through a 256         
  50.                                | color palette, cool effect, EXE, with C      
  51.                                | source. For OS/2.                            
  52. AV181B.ZIP     312887  08-07-93  AV v1.81B: AV is a 32-bit PM archive         
  53.                                | shell, file/directory maintenance and        
  54.                                | program launching utility for OS/2 2.x.      
  55.                                | Handles all popular archive types, drag      
  56.                                | & drop, keyboard accelerator keys, full      
  57.                                | range of file manipulation functions and     
  58.                                | more.                                        
  59. BASHOS2.ZIP    456544  07-09-93  GNU Bash for OS/2 v1.12: GNU Project's       
  60.                                | Bourne Again Shell, an interactive shell     
  61.                                | with Bourne shell syntax but but also        
  62.                                | with command line editing, CSH-like          
  63.                                | history and brace expansion, aliases and     
  64.                                | a slew of other nice stuff, Enjoy!           
  65. BKVIEW32.ZIP    12179  07-28-93  32-bit freeware PM program. Gives            
  66.                                | listbox. For OS/2 2.0                        
  67. BLANKER5.ZIP    30652  10-14-93  Screen blanker for OS/2.                     
  68. BMDEMO10.ZIP   204322  09-15-93  BackMaster: (OS/2) backup program that       
  69.                                | supports most QIC-40/80 tape drives and      
  70.                                | OS/2's long filenames, etc. It will even     
  71.                                | read DOS tapes (if not compressed) for       
  72.                                | maximum flexibility.                         
  73. BMR_200.ZIP     31334  11-19-93  An OS/2 PM Netware utility that manages      
  74.                                | those annoying "pop-up" line                 
  75.                                | messages.Sends them too! v2.0 supports       
  76.                                | multiple servers, auto-refresh of user       
  77.                                | lists and much, much  more.                  
  78. BOOT21TX.ZIP     1750  08-01-93  Text file describing how to create an        
  79.                                | OS/2 2.1 boot up diskette for a 1.4Mb        
  80.                                | drive.                                       
  81. BWP3_4.ZIP      47710  11-07-93  OS/2 v1.03 to 1.04 upgrade patch for         
  82.                                | backupwi.                                    
  83. CALCOMP.ZIP      9916  05-25-93  Beta Driver for OS/2 2.1. For use with       
  84.                                | 3300 series digitizer pads.                  
  85. CALL32.ZIP      28221  07-01-93  For OS/2 2.x programming. It contains        
  86.                                | couple of files (source codes) that          
  87.                                | demonstrates how to set up 32-bit code       
  88.                                | that can be called from existing 16-BIT      
  89.                                | applications.                                
  90. CDDBOC.ZIP       1344  07-01-93  For OS/2 2.x, CDDBOC.SYS is a                
  91.                                | replacement driver for the original          
  92.                                | CDD.SYS which had difficulties with OS/2     
  93.                                | 2.1 Beta. This small utility allows to       
  94.                                | option to exit to OS/2  command prompt       
  95.                                | before presentation manager loads during     
  96.                                | the boot of computer.                        
  97. CDEXPL23.ZIP    36778  08-06-93  CDEXPLORER 2.3: The CD Digital Audio         
  98.                                | Explorer for OS/2 2.x. IBMEWS.               
  99. CHKPASSP.ZIP     3840  07-25-93  Adds Password Checking to Callme v1.42       
  100.                                | For OS/2.                                    
  101. CHK_ER.ZIP      21076  07-01-93  CHK ER.EXE is an OS/2 v2.x utility that      
  102.                                | helps programmer using the IBM C             
  103.                                | compiler to make /CD Lost.                   
  104. CLICD2.ZIP       9051  05-25-93  OS/2 2.x.ADD driver for Creative Lab         
  105.                                | CD-ROM drives including the new              
  106.                                | Panasonic 562/563 double speed drives.       
  107. CLRWHL.ZIP      46940  09-13-93  Sample Program: OS/2 2.x Color Wheel.        
  108. CM206CDR.ZIP    18653  10-27-93  Phillip CM206 CD-ROM driver from (Beta)      
  109.                                | for OS/2 2.x (FW).                           
  110. CNQST20.ZIP    106044  05-03-93  OS/2 2.0 32-Bit Solar Conquest Game is       
  111.                                | a PM space monopoly with graphics.           
  112. COLRPT10.ZIP    41383  07-22-93  COLORPT v1.01: An OS/2 PM program that       
  113.                                | continually reports the name and value       
  114.                                | of the color of the pel (pixel) that is      
  115.                                | under your OS/2 PM mouse pointer. IBM        
  116.                                | EWS.                                         
  117. COMSYS.ZIP      21733  10-13-93  Updated OS/2 COM.SYS, VCOM.SYS drivers       
  118.                                | with PCMCIA support, 10/93.                  
  119. CONFIGOS.ZIP    18430  08-12-93  IBM OS/2 CONFIG.SYS. A full line-by-line     
  120.                                | explanation of OS/2 2.1 CONFIG.SYS.          
  121. CSEDB2.ZIP     160183  07-31-93  CS-Edit/2 Beta Drop #2. The intelligent      
  122.                                | CONFIG.SYS editor for OS/2 2.x. Never        
  123.                                | boot TMATE412.ZIP Telemate v4.12             
  124.                                | -powerful DOS-based communications           
  125.                                | program -works fine  windowed or full        
  126.                                | screened.                                    
  127. CSED_10.ZIP     79172  07-09-93  OS/2 System Configuration Utility. Use       
  128.                                | it to configure your OS/2 startup files.     
  129. CUSTCT.ZIP      37402  07-09-93  For OS/2 2.x programming, a programming      
  130.                                | sample that demystifies custom control.      
  131.                                | Includes source codes.                       
  132. CVTBMP.ZIP       6211  07-19-93  Convert Windows bitmaps to OS/2 format.      
  133. DANCE_TH.ZIP   203753  02-02-93  BMP OS/2 Graphics Painting.640 X 477 X       
  134.                                | 10,279 Colors. 24-Bit Graphics. Created      
  135.                                | In Fractal Painting Environment.             
  136.                                | Original Art By Turtle Heart, American       
  137.                                | Indian Artist.,.American  Indian             
  138.                                | Computer Art Project.                        
  139. DEBOO100.ZIP    73491  05-28-93  DeBOO v1.00 for OS/2: Converts files in      
  140.                                | "BOO" encoded format back into their         
  141.                                | original form.                               
  142. DOSBBS2.ZIP      6102  08-14-93  Information on how to setup a DOS-based      
  143.                                | BBS under OS/2 v2.1GA. This example uses     
  144.                                | Front-Door v2.02nc and Robo-Board BBS        
  145.                                | software but should work for any             
  146.                                | DOS-based BBS program. Everything you        
  147.                                | need!                                        
  148. DOSCLU01.ZIP   427370  07-07-93  JDEBP OS/2 2.X Utilities v1.04:              
  149.                                | Identical Command Line Utilities For         
  150.                                | DOS And OS/2 Command Sessions. See           
  151.                                | Manifest And Utilities Documention.          
  152. DOSQPS.ZIP      15506  07-12-93  DOSQProcStatus API for OS/2 2.x in both      
  153.                                | text and INF format.                         
  154. DRGFIL.ZIP     108279  08-10-93  OS/2 drag 'n' drop sample code.              
  155. DRGRND.ZIP     123263  08-10-93  OS/2 drag 'n' drop sample code.              
  156. DRGWPS.ZIP     127152  08-10-93  OS/2 drag 'n' drop sample code.              
  157. DRMWLD21.ZIP   218222  06-01-93  Dreamworld Trilogy v2.1 for OS/2: A          
  158.                                | text adventure game.                         
  159. DSIZE10.ZIP      3705  06-14-93  Analyze file/directory space usage on        
  160.                                | drives. For OS/2.                            
  161. DSKPICAD.ZIP    15491  07-04-93  Three add-ons to DESKPIC for OS/2            
  162.                                | Screensaver. Includes "SWARM", "PUZZLE",     
  163.                                | and "SHRINK". Copy each .DSS file into       
  164.                                | the directory where DESKPIC.EXE is.          
  165. DSN93A.ZIP      49499  06-07-93  OS/2 2.x Developer Support Newsletter        
  166.                                | Issue.                                       
  167. ERROROS2.ZIP     1209  07-18-93  ASCII File Listing OS/2 Commands With        
  168.                                | Return Codes. Lists All The OS/2             
  169.                                | Commands With Return Code/Errorlevel         
  170.                                | Values, The Values They Use And Their        
  171.                                | Associated Meaning.                          
  172. EWSCA126.ZIP    15472  05-06-93  IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software           
  173.                                | Catalog v1.26.                               
  174. EXECLOG.ZIP      1773  07-19-93  Pmcomm REXX Example Logon, Open A            
  175.                                | Capture File (OS/2).                         
  176. EXTDESK.ZIP     44641  06-29-93  Removes the arrange menu item from the       
  177.                                | OS/2 main menu. Allows icons to be           
  178.                                | arranged vertically and horizontally as      
  179.                                | well as to a grid. Very Nice.                
  180. EXTFS2.ZIP      14917  07-09-93  An OS/2 2.x utility to list file             
  181.                                | extensions.                                  
  182. FC2_015.ZIP     82781  08-12-93  File Commando/2 0.15. Norton Commander       
  183.                                | Clone for OS/2.                              
  184. FLAG_USA.ZIP     5279  07-12-93  The bitmap for OS/2 2.0. This is a flag      
  185.                                | of USA in a shapes of USA. This bitmap       
  186.                                | can be used as a background image            
  187.                                | (wallpaper) or LOCKUP screen.                
  188. FLXTXT22.ZIP   109477  09-01-93  PM-hosted print utility for OS/2 2.x.        
  189.                                | Prints 4 pages/sheet using scalable          
  190.                                | fonts.                                       
  191. FM2_106.ZIP    252149  11-28-93  Powerful WPS File Manager for OS/2 2.x.      
  192.                                | Contains some fixes and enhancements.        
  193. FPS32D.ZIP     112668  07-22-93  FPServer: THE Fast Novell NetWare Print      
  194.                                | Server v3.2 FPServer implements an           
  195.                                | EXTREMELY FAST, easy to use print server     
  196.                                | on a standard IBM compatible  personal       
  197.                                | computer.                                    
  198. GEOSOS2.ZIP      4534  07-17-93  Running Geoworks in A Native OS/2 DOS        
  199.                                | Session - Patch.                             
  200. GLOBEIC2.ZIP    31270  09-03-93  78 Icons For OS/2 of World Globes And        
  201.                                | Maps, Converted From Windows.                
  202. HAZEL11B.ZIP    88659  10-28-93  Hazel 1.1b: A multi-threaded address         
  203.                                | book/dialer for OS/2 Presentation            
  204.                                | Manager. Features include a background       
  205.                                | dialer, with allows continuous redial        
  206.                                | while allowing access to other address       
  207.                                | book functions, Day-Timers(R) & Envelope     
  208.                                | printing, unlimited address book size,       
  209.                                | and import/export.                           
  210. HPCLC08.ZIP     36783  04-17-93  HPcalc v0.8 for OS/2 2.0 is an RPN           
  211.                                | calculator with a layout similar to that     
  212.                                | of the HP 41c.                               
  213. HYDRAOS2.ZIP    69783  05-03-93  OS/2 Port Of The Hydra Bi-Directional        
  214.                                | Protocol For Use With Maximus OS/2.          
  215. IBMTRBM.ZIP     13299  06-25-93  Update to OS/2 Busmaster driver.             
  216. IMGARC13.ZIP    92490  04-27-93  GIF and.JPG file viewer for OS/2 2.0 PM      
  217.                                | Also compresses .GIF files into .JPG         
  218.                                | format.                                      
  219. IMGARC95.ZIP   118472  07-02-93  Image Archiver v0.95 Beta for OS/2 2.x.      
  220.                                | The most powerful JPEG file manipulator      
  221.                                | available.                                   
  222. IMGTKIT2.ZIP    77357  07-10-93  The Image Toolkit is a system DLL used       
  223.                                | to provide a variety of support for OS/2     
  224.                                | 2.x presentation manager applications        
  225.                                | such as PMDRAW, OS2MAGNIFY, SCRAP, and       
  226.                                | IBROW.                                       
  227. INIM21L2.ZIP    54990  10-14-93  INIMAINT v2.1L: OS/2 PM-based                
  228.                                | application that will display, maintain,     
  229.                                | copy or move all OS/2 INI files.             
  230. INSCDP.ZIP      78926  10-23-93  Updated Audio CD player from Inside          
  231.                                | OS/2 11'93. A small bug has been fixed:      
  232.                                | Selecting a title from the container         
  233.                                | while music is not linked will overwrite     
  234.                                | the latest displayed title. (FW).            
  235. INT_E.ZIP        2559  11-30-93  OS/2 Rexx script to stop E.EXE from          
  236.                                | asking a file type.                          
  237. IOSTONE.ZIP     20361  07-21-93  Benchmark For Hard Disk Performance          
  238.                                | Under OS/2.                                  
  239. IP07003.ZIP    437742  04-16-93  DOSLAN Requester v3.0 updates. Use OS/2      
  240.                                | view.                                        
  241. IPFEDIT.ZIP    375888  08-18-93  IPF Editor for OS/2 2.x. Helps add           
  242.                                | online help to C/C apps you develop.         
  243.                                | Also great for creating online doc           
  244.                                | files!                                       
  245. IRC10G.ZIP      33986  09-12-93  IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for         
  246.                                | OS/2. IRC client for OS/2 allows you to      
  247.                                | chat with other users, off of the            
  248.                                | Internet, using an IRC server. (FW).         
  249. JHNSDLR.ZIP     18571  09-17-93  PM dialer - Dial phone by double             
  250.                                | clicking receiver's name.                    
  251. JPLAY01.ZIP    117142  10-07-93  JPLAY is a 32bit command-line                
  252.                                | WAV/VOC/MID player created with IBM's C      
  253.                                | Set/2. Requires OS/2 2.1 GA and MMPM/2.      
  254. JR061012.ZIP    94370  07-19-93  IBM LAN Transport LANDD.OS2 (IBMnet).        
  255. JTP113.ZIP     117972  04-18-93  Junktick For OS/2. A Tick/raid/etc           
  256.                                | Replacement.                                 
  257. KBSTUF.ZIP      70127  08-22-93  KbStuffer v1.0 August 1993 KbStuffer is      
  258.                                | an OS/2 Full Screen KeyBoard Buffer          
  259.                                | Stuffer which allows the stuffing of         
  260.                                | keystroke data into any currently            
  261.                                | running OS/2 Full Screen Session.            
  262. KED205.ZIP      82450  08-20-93  KEd v2.05: Character mode text editor        
  263.                                | for OS/2 v2.0. It is a full 32-bit           
  264.                                | application, and features support for        
  265.                                | HPFS, macros, unlimited number of files,     
  266.                                | huge file sizes, cut & paste, and            
  267.                                | shell to a command processor. You'll         
  268.                                | also find extensive on-line hypertext        
  269.                                | help for ease of use. Many small             
  270.                                | enhancements.                                
  271. KED206B.ZIP     83217  10-13-93  KUDZU Editor v2.06B: OS/2 text editor        
  272.                                | with HPFS, threads, and now greater          
  273.                                | speed and numlock support. (FW).             
  274. KIS1193.ZIP    317857  11-28-93  OS/2 PM utility for DOS BBS SysOps           
  275.                                | v1.0: Spawn.                                 
  276. KLZIP006.ZIP    66793  11-21-93  KL-ZIP beta, OS/2 32-bit PM GUI for          
  277.                                | ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. NO RUNTIME NEEDED!      
  278. KWQ12C.ZIP     233107  10-19-93  KWQ Mail/2 v1.2c. A 32 bit QWK mail          
  279.                                | reader for OS/2 PM. Features advanced        
  280.                                | multithreaded searching, taglines, many      
  281.                                | archivers, fast access toolbar, colored      
  282.                                | "message syntax" text, Adobe fonts, an       
  283.                                | internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X     
  284.                                | external editors, bookmarks, unlimited       
  285.                                | packet size and more.                        
  286. LBB2_113.ZIP    93882  06-14-93  OS/2 "Little Black Book" Address &           
  287.                                | Dialer.                                      
  288. LICC.ZIP        14079  07-01-93  Utility For Compress OS/2 Header Files       
  289.                                | For IBM C. (OS/2).                           
  290. LNKRD1.ZIP     318838  10-25-93  LinkRight Demo. Replaces LINKRD.ZIP.         
  291.                                | LinkRight is a LapLink work-a-like for       
  292.                                | OS/2. This is crippleware, only low          
  293.                                | speed serial. (FW).                          
  294. LTIMES20.ZIP   137464  11-05-93  LA Times for OS/2. PM based NNTP news        
  295.                                | reader. Requires 2.x. Includes better        
  296.                                | interface and performance over 1.x           
  297.                                | release. (FW).                               
  298. LWB2.ZIP       208162  10-20-93  LiveWire v2.1 Beta-2 32-bit OS/2 comm        
  299.                                | pgm.                                         
  300. M2VBBS14.ZIP     3723  08-01-93  Set of rexx command files that allow         
  301.                                | the VBBS SysOp to install M2Zmodem.EXE       
  302.                                | under a VBBS/2 system. M2Zmodem is an        
  303.                                | OS/2 native Z, X, & Ymodem transfer          
  304.                                | protocol driver that rivals the quality      
  305.                                | of DSZ for DOS.                              
  306. MAGCOM23.ZIP    83884  09-01-93  MagCom telecommunications program for        
  307.                                | OS/2. Supports: X,Y,Zmodem. v2.30.           
  308. MAKEBOOK.ZIP     5603  07-27-93  A REXX utility for OS/2 to search your       
  309.                                | drives and create executable book file       
  310.                                | from your .INF files.                        
  311. MEMS27.ZIP      35908  06-29-93  OS/2 Memory And Disk Drive Display v2.7.     
  312. MEMSZ212.ZIP   150742  10-13-93  OS/2 System Resources monitor. For OS/2      
  313.                                | 2.x Works through a Presentation Manager     
  314.                                | interface. Includes the source code and      
  315.                                | multi-language support.                      
  316. MIG21.ZIP       16005  11-07-93  32 bit PM based migration aid and            
  317.                                | program launcher. Requires OS/2 2.x          
  318.                                | Browse icons, launch and migrate             
  319.                                | programs fast. (FW).                         
  320. MMPLAY.ZIP      13555  07-03-93  A simple digital audio player for OS/2       
  321.                                | 2.x.                                         
  322. MNICON.ZIP      17513  07-12-93  Finally! Drag and drop icon assignment       
  323.                                | to objects. OS/2.                            
  324. MORE_20B.ZIP    44466  08-12-93  A better "More" v2.0b for OS/2 2.x.          
  325. MOUSECHG.ZIP     3566  08-15-93  A Simple Rexx Exec To Change Your            
  326.                                | Default Mouse Pointer Under OS/2. It         
  327.                                | Does This By Modifying Your OS2.INI File     
  328.                                | To Include A New "Application" Called        
  329.                                | "Pm syspointer".                             
  330. MOUSEY10.ZIP    17033  06-14-93  Change the mouse pointer on screen in        
  331.                                | OS/2 2.1. (FW).                              
  332. MPEGPLAY.ZIP    97032  01-28-93  MPEG player for OS/2 - runs in               
  333.                                | full-screen mode. Initial release, from      
  334.                                | HOBBES.NMSU.EDU.                             
  335. MR2_152.ZIP    196106  07-11-93  MR/2: QWK Compatible Mail Reader For         
  336.                                | OS/2. Menu/Picklist Driven, Mouse            
  337.                                | Support, Thread Summary Pick-Lists,          
  338.                                | Multi-threaded Searching, User-Defined       
  339.                                | Custom Conferences, Optional Internal        
  340.                                | Editor. Mostly SLMR/OLX Compatible           
  341.                                | Keystrokes.                                  
  342. MRP_099C.ZIP   147624  07-18-93  MR/2 PM: A QWK compatible mail reader        
  343.                                | for OS/2. This is the PM version of          
  344.                                | popular OS/2 text-Mode QWK reader, MR/2.     
  345.                                | Thread summary pick-lists,                   
  346.                                | multi-threaded searching, user-defined       
  347.                                | custom conferences.                          
  348. NEMO02.ZIP     102331  08-31-93  Captain Nemo v0.2 OS/2 Norton Commander      
  349.                                | clone.                                       
  350. NEW1520.ZIP     17862  07-06-93  Latest Adaptec 152x Driver For OS/2 -        
  351.                                | 2/93.                                        
  352. NEW1740.ZIP     13621  07-14-93  Latest Adaptec 174x Driver For OS/2 -        
  353.                                | 2/93.                                        
  354. NISTIMEX.ZIP    37343  06-12-93  Set OS/2 clock from NIST time server.        
  355.                                | BUG FIX: Now properly accesses the TZ        
  356.                                | environment variable to set clock.           
  357. NPWAIT.ZIP      16771  08-19-93  Call this OS/2 utility from your             
  358.                                | CONFIG.SYS, and it will countdown for 10     
  359.                                | seconds - press a key for an OS/2            
  360.                                | command line. EXIT from there, and you       
  361.                                | finish loading CONFIG.SYS and go to the      
  362.                                | WPShell. C Source code and EXE included.     
  363. OMGR_2V2.ZIP    23010  08-04-93  Pm Outbound Dir Mgr. Will Re-Address.        
  364. OPENFDR3.ZIP     4044  10-11-93  Open any folder with a 4OS2 pop-up           
  365.                                | menu.                                        
  366. OPL3.ZIP        15728  07-01-93  A fix for thunder board sound card for       
  367.                                | OS/2 2.x.                                    
  368. OS21TIPS.ZIP   275133  08-12-93  IBM white papers - 2 documents offering      
  369.                                | performance and tuning tips for OS/2         
  370.                                | 2.1. Includes notes on DOS and WINOS2        
  371.                                | sessions. This is a must have! Nice          
  372.                                | Postscript and messy plain ASCII             
  373.                                | formatted versions.                          
  374. OS2B32.ZIP     660112  09-01-93  ATI OS/2 2.1 (Beta) 32bit video drivers.     
  375. OS2CCP.ZIP      24961  06-03-93  OS/2 2.1 Compression compatibility           
  376.                                | package is a set of programs to allow        
  377.                                | the use of either BLUE or SALMON install     
  378.                                | disks regardless of type used to             
  379.                                | originally install the system.               
  380. OS2CNFG7.ZIP    27981  10-17-93  Rick Meigs' text file detailing all          
  381.                                | statements in OS/2's CONFIG.SYS, v7.         
  382. OS2C_080.ZIP   143584  11-19-93  OS/2-Commander v0.80wb: The better           
  383.                                | NC-Clone for OS/2 - handles archives         
  384.                                | like (FW).                                   
  385. OS2EXEC.ZIP     20405  07-05-93  Starts An OS/2 Program Out of The DOS        
  386.                                | Window.                                      
  387. OS2MITUM.ZIP     1598  07-13-93  Information On How To Get OS/2 Drivers       
  388.                                | For The Mitsumi Series Of CD-ROM Drives.     
  389.                                | If You Have OS/2 And Want To Use A           
  390.                                | Mitsumi Drive You must Get This.             
  391. OS2TECHG.ZIP   567143  10-19-93  INF format information guide to OS/2.        
  392.                                | More than a 4 page overview of OS/2.         
  393. OS2_BMP.ZIP     35648  07-01-93  The bitmap for OS/2 2.0. This is two         
  394.                                | bitmap of OS/2 logos. It can be used as      
  395.                                | a background image (wallpaper) or LOCKUP     
  396.                                | screen.                                      
  397. OS2_HOME.ZIP    41837  09-02-93  Text document describes a vision of          
  398.                                | home computing that can be implemented       
  399.                                | today with OS/2 and how that vision will     
  400.                                | evolve with technology.                      
  401. OSCNFIG6.ZIP    17367  08-16-93  OS/2 2.x CONFIG.SYS file description in      
  402.                                | INF format. v6.0.                            
  403. OSICONS.ZIP      8180  11-03-93  This file contains three OS/2 256 color      
  404.                                | icons, I hope you find some kind of use      
  405.                                | for them.                                    
  406. PASSETUP.ZIP     6533  07-15-93  Text document with hints and tips on         
  407.                                | setting up the ProAudio Spectrum card        
  408.                                | under OS/2.                                  
  409. PC2_140.ZIP    223479  04-17-93  PC/2 - Program Commander/2 v1.40 for         
  410.                                | IBM OS/2 2.x presentation manager is an      
  411.                                | addon or replacement for the WPS             
  412.                                | (WorkPlace Shell) that adds features         
  413.                                | that OS/2 is missing.                        
  414. PCARD100.ZIP    11451  05-11-93  Personal Cards v1.00 is a 32bit card         
  415.                                | file program for OS/2 2.x. It provides a     
  416.                                | convenient way to store addresses.           
  417. PCPRINT.ZIP    145395  06-15-93  PCPRINT v2.7: For use with OS/2 2.0 and      
  418.                                | 2.1.                                         
  419. PEGGED11.ZIP    27987  07-04-93  Pegged v1.1: Board game of logic for         
  420.                                | OS/2 2.x PM.                                 
  421. PHONE10B.ZIP    62949  10-04-93  OS/2 Telephone Dialer v1.0b.                 
  422. PKZ101_2.ZIP   223870  07-21-89  PKZIP And PKUNZIP For OS/2.                  
  423. PLOTR2.ZIP      90018  05-20-93  Latest OS/2 2.x driver. Read PRNFIX.ZIP.     
  424. PM2BMP2A.ZIP    10752  08-17-93  Replaces PM2BMP20 which is for 2.0           
  425.                                | only. Fast OS/2 2.1 window grabber.          
  426.                                | Shows grabbed picture in own window and      
  427.                                | writes to numbered BMP file. Associated      
  428.                                | BMP viewer included.                         
  429. PMCC00.ZIP      97931  11-22-93  PM Control Center v0.0 (Beta): An all        
  430.                                | purpose program launcher/file                
  431.                                | organizer/plus. OS/2.                        
  432. PMD21E.ZIP     136044  07-15-93  OS/2 PM Diskcopy v2.1: 32 BitDiskcopy,       
  433.                                | Quick Format, Checkdisk etc.English          
  434.                                | Version                                      
  435. PMDU10.ZIP      30421  06-21-93  PMDUP is a 32 bit OS/2 PM application        
  436.                                | to copy, verify, compare & format            
  437.                                | removable disks. Copy and format is done     
  438.                                | without any type checking. This enables      
  439.                                | 'transformation  of bootdisks' (5 1/4 -      
  440.                                | 3 1/2). This is a replacement for            
  441.                                | PMDUP.ZIP.                                   
  442. PMJB01B.ZIP     16744  07-15-93  PM Jukebox is a jukebox style WAV            
  443.                                | player for OS/2. Does not contain            
  444.                                | VX-Rexx runtime DLL.                         
  445. PMPHONE2.ZIP    24438  08-21-93  PMPhone: 32-bit dedicated phone              
  446.                                | dialer/database. Freeware version can        
  447.                                | store 50 records. Has view, edit, save       
  448.                                | to file, etc. Bug fix, replaces              
  449.                                | PMPHONE.ZIP. Minor bug  with dialing         
  450.                                | long distance numbers.                       
  451. PMPOVF2.ZIP    741638  10-22-93  POVFrame: An OS/2 PM shell for the           
  452.                                | raytracing program POV-Ray. Provides WPS     
  453.                                | DeskTop, point & click, rendering            
  454.                                | ability using either the INCLUDED (text      
  455.                                | mode) OS/2 compile of POV-Ray or the         
  456.                                | "official" POV Team's DOS compile of         
  457.                                | POV-Ray. Provides a simple animation         
  458.                                | interface for using the POV 2.0 "clock"      
  459.                                | option. 2.0 adds DTA control panel for       
  460.                                | generating Animations.                       
  461. PMTEX21E.ZIP    56561  07-14-93  PM-TEX: A TeX-Shell for OS/2 2.x             
  462.                                | presentation manager v2.1.                   
  463. PMVD021.ZIP     35578  06-21-93  PM Virtual Desktop For OS/2x.                
  464. PMVIEW86.ZIP   207699  10-31-93  v17i815: pmview86.zip, PM picture            
  465.                                | viewer/converter (part 01/07).               
  466. PMVU85A.ZIP    139298  06-15-93  A fast GIF/BMP/JPEG/PCX/Targa viewer         
  467.                                | for OS/2 PM. This version has a fix so       
  468.                                | that it will no longer trigger a bug in      
  469.                                | the March OS/2 2.1 beta. It also adds        
  470.                                | scaling and zooming,  clipboard support,     
  471.                                | and various other minor new.                 
  472. POST32.ZIP     196936  05-18-93  Latest OS/2 2.x driver. Read PRNFIX.ZIP      
  473.                                | before downloading this file.                
  474. PRIVF.ZIP       55543  07-20-93  Private Folder. Locks Folders On WPS         
  475.                                | (OS/2).                                      
  476. PRSCTL.ZIP      15275  10-21-93  OS/2 view presentation parameters -          
  477.                                | similar to PMS.                              
  478. PVOS220.ZIP    150968  06-04-93  Persistence-of-Vision ray tracer. This       
  479.                                | is the popular POVRA v1.0 for OS/2 2.0.      
  480. REMIN301.ZIP   353544  07-19-93  OS/2 reminder program prints calendars.      
  481. REXXBASE.ZIP   107483  11-21-93  OS/2 REXXbase v1.1 (beta).                   
  482. RODNT100.ZIP    62755  07-13-93  Rodent v1.00: Improved mouse driver for      
  483.                                | OS/2.                                        
  484. ROLODX22.ZIP   500256  09-23-93  Rolodex/2 v2.2: An OS/2 2.x Rolodex          
  485.                                | program that keeps peoples, names, phone     
  486.                                | number, address, etc. Special features       
  487.                                | include searching, E-mail, FTP, faxing       
  488.                                | and group features. IBM TC/PIP needed        
  489.                                | for e-mail & ftp.                            
  490. RWM212.ZIP     622984  07-29-93  Relish Working Model v2.12! Relish is        
  491.                                | The Premier Time Organizer For OS/2,         
  492.                                | Including Easy to Use Drag-n-drop            
  493.                                | Interface. This Version Includes A           
  494.                                | Special Limited Time Offer Exclusive to      
  495.                                | BBS Users.                                   
  496. RXLAN0.ZIP     158807  07-01-93  Rexxlan LAN Server API v99: This Rexx        
  497.                                | Extension DLL Enables Full Access To The     
  498.                                | LAN Server 2.0 And/Or 3.0 API. OS/2 2.0      
  499.                                | And LAN Requester 2.0 Or Higher Are          
  500.                                | Necessary.                                   
  501. RXSHIP24.ZIP    29757  04-11-93  REXXShip v2.4 for OS/2 2.x encodes           
  502.                                | Binary files in ASCII format suitable        
  503.                                | for transmission over text only              
  504.                                | electronic mail system and other online      
  505.                                | services.                                    
  506. S3ANN.ZIP        2898  09-03-93  S3 Video Device Driver Q&A. The S3           
  507.                                | video device driver support is now           
  508.                                | available for OS/2 2.1. OS/2 users now       
  509.                                | have access to even better graphics,         
  510.                                | faster video and higher resolution in a      
  511.                                | proven and reliable operating                
  512.                                | environment.                                 
  513. S3BETA.ZIP    1138897  07-17-93  OS/2 2.1 S3 Beta drivers install disk.       
  514.                                | Includes utility to create install           
  515.                                | diskette. This is the third drop of the      
  516.                                | S3 drivers disk for IBM PS/Value points      
  517.                                | and other S3 cards. ie., Later DIAMOND       
  518.                                | cards. It is 16 bit, 256 color and           
  519.                                | supports 640, 800, 1024 modes.               
  520. SALOMO.ZIP       9406  05-17-93  OS/2 memory sub-allocation routines.         
  521. SAVEFLDR.ZIP   100386  01-22-93  Backup and restore desktop's folders in      
  522.                                | OS/2 2.0.                                    
  523. SAVE_ME2.ZIP     2181  07-11-93  SAVE ME.CMD and SAVN ZIP.CMD REXX            
  524.                                | programs to save OS/2 2.x critical           
  525.                                | system files. CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT,      
  526.                                | OS2.INI, AND OS2SYS.INI.                     
  527. SBMMPM21.ZIP    92909  04-02-93  Beta drivers for OS/2 2.1 and Sound          
  528.                                | Blaster.                                     
  529. SCCP_142.ZIP   272754  07-22-93  Sixxac/CHAT 1.42 OS/2 all in one BBS         
  530.                                | chat utility.                                
  531. SCHED03B.ZIP    30922  06-01-93  Schedule for OS/2 v0.3: Starts Programs      
  532.                                | With Selectable Priority And (Optional)      
  533.                                | at / before or after a certain time.         
  534. SCRUTL19.ZIP    22119  07-08-92  Current Version Of Kai Uwe Rommel's          
  535.                                | "No-Nonsense" Screensaver For OS/2.          
  536. SEAMWIN2.ZIP     6842  09-23-93  SEAMWIN v2.00: Windows program thatuses      
  537.                                | no memory, put it in your OS/2startup        
  538.                                | folder to make all subsequentwindows         
  539.                                | programs start faster.                       
  540. SECURE_.ZIP    123636  08-06-93  Secure OS/2 Workplace objects that can       
  541.                                | protect your desktop from unwanted           
  542.                                | changes or intrusions. Includes Secure       
  543.                                | Folder, restricted Folder, Secure            
  544.                                | Program, and Secure Desktop object           
  545.                                | classes.                                     
  546. SFRENAME.ZIP     9225  10-03-93  Sfrename renames and adjusts attributes      
  547.                                | of OS/2.                                     
  548. SHBMP212.ZIP    30629  07-11-93  ShowBMP v2.12 is an OS/2 application         
  549.                                | used to display OS/2 BMP, ICO, or PTR        
  550.                                | files.                                       
  551. SHLONG10.ZIP     2530  09-28-93  Showlong: Exposes (lists) non-FAT names      
  552.                                | on an HPFS drive. For OS/2.                  
  553. SHUTDWN5.ZIP    13512  04-24-93  Quick shutdown for OS/2.                     
  554. SIO110.ZIP      66625  08-30-93  SIO/VSIO/VX00 OS/2 2.x Comm Drivers.         
  555.                                | v1.10. A must have for high speed            
  556.                                | communication under OS/2!                    
  557. SLIP2XV1.ZIP   151220  08-03-93  OS/2 2.0 SLIP Driver for IBM TCP/IP          
  558.                                | v1.2.1.                                      
  559. SMMONEY.ZIP     52090  08-12-93  OS/2 PM Checkbook ledger program.            
  560. SONY31C.ZIP     24164  11-18-93  OS/2 Sony CD driver for 31a & 7305.          
  561. SORT32.ZIP      38816  09-10-93  SORT32 FAST OS/2 v2.1 virtual sort.          
  562.                                | Sorts up to 16 fields. Can drop              
  563.                                | duplicate sort fields & short records.       
  564.                                | v2.01, it really is a fast sort.             
  565. ST01_102.ZIP     8211  07-20-93  OS/2 third party drivers for Seagate         
  566.                                | ST-01.                                       
  567. TAME21.ZIP        977  07-24-93  Tiny TSR to Tame OS/2 2.1 by Converting      
  568.                                | Windows Style Time Slice Releases to         
  569.                                | OS/2 Native Release to Anyone.               
  570. TBOS2.ZIP       23768  07-26-93  Patch for using Media Visions                
  571.                                | Thunderboard with OS/2 2.1's MMPM/2.         
  572. TEXPERT.ZIP    150952  04-20-93  TeXPERT is a text-mode shell for emTex       
  573.                                | with OS/2 2.0.                               
  574. TEXTFONT.ZIP    71013  10-08-93  New VGA screen font for OS/2, replaces       
  575.                                | VIOTBL.DCP which will change the font in     
  576.                                | all DOS and OS/2 full screen text mode       
  577.                                | sessions.                                    
  578. TIMOUSE.ZIP      9380  04-23-93  OS/2 MOUSE.SYS driver for TI TM4000          
  579.                                | windx2.                                      
  580. TIN121.ZIP     181806  08-20-93  Threaded news reader for OS/2 (SC).          
  581. TREETI.ZIP      16478  04-28-93  OS/2 vof Tree Like DOS's. 'ti.EXE' is        
  582.                                | an Exact Functional Equivalent of The        
  583.                                | DOS 5 Tree Program.                          
  584. TYAHTZ57.ZIP   223273  09-14-93  TRIPLE YAHTZEE Door Game v5.7 (OS/2).        
  585. UACLOCK.ZIP     21807  09-09-93  The Ultimate Alarm Clock for OS/2. A         
  586.                                | small, attractive, and easy-to-use alarm     
  587.                                | clock for reoccurring appointments.          
  588.                                | Req's only 30k of hard disk space & OS/2     
  589.                                | 1.3.                                         
  590. ULTIMOTI.ZIP  1554587  07-19-93  OS/2 IBM Ultimotion Workshop/2 (Beta).       
  591. UNZ501.ZIP     114536  07-08-93  32bit UnZIP For OS/2x (Freeware). This       
  592.                                | Is The 32 Bit Version Of Project             
  593.                                | Info-ZIP'S UnZIP De-Archiver. It Is          
  594.                                | Fully Compatible With The Latest "PKZIP"     
  595.                                | Compression Formats And It  Handles          
  596.                                | EA's And Long Filenames.                     
  597. VF02R1.ZIP     164000  06-11-93  ViewFITS: FITS viewer for OS/2 PM.           
  598.                                | v0.2, June 11, 1993. ViewFITS is a FITS      
  599.                                | viewer for the OS/2 PM. "FITS" stands        
  600.                                | for "Flexible Image Transport System".       
  601. VF03R2.ZIP     111646  08-03-93  Flexible Image Transport Systems (FITS)      
  602.                                | image for the OS/2 System.                   
  603. VHELP10.ZIP     21229  08-26-93  ViewHelp v1.0: tool for reading OS/2         
  604.                                | 2.x IPF help files.                          
  605. VNDINF.ZIP      77161  10-25-93  OS/2 introduction, file-format               
  606.                                | standard, and status report for the          
  607.                                | VENDINFO system for conveying software       
  608.                                | product information and distribution         
  609.                                | permissions from author to                   
  610.                                | distributors. VENDINFO will allow            
  611.                                | automation of many operations now            
  612.                                | performed manually by BBS Sysops, disk       
  613.                                | vendors, etc.                                
  614. VPR8BPP.ZIP    476949  08-16-93  Diamond Viper OS/2 2.1 video drivers.        
  615.                                | Supports 256 colors in multiple              
  616.                                | resolutions Seamless Windows support.        
  617. WCAT10.ZIP      49535  11-01-93  Watchcat 1.0: allows you to regain           
  618.                                | control if OS/2 "crashes".                   
  619. WINFONTS.ZIP   239843  06-19-93  OS/2 ATM Fonts, Arial & Wingdings.           
  620. WIZOS2.ZIP      27763  04-02-93  The Wizard Directory Changing Utility v      
  621.                                | 1.14 for OS/2 2.x.                           
  622. WP21INF.ZIP    117206  07-13-93  OS/2 2.1 Performance Improvement in INF      
  623.                                | format.                                      
  624. WP21PERF.ZIP    17772  07-18-93  OS/21 Enhancements And Performance           
  625.                                | Improvements Over OS/20. Use The OS/2        
  626.                                | View Facility To Display This Guide.         
  627. WPSBK201.ZIP    48786  09-07-93  Workplace Shell Backup v01 OS/2 2.1 WPS      
  628.                                | Backup Utility Supports S3 256 Release       
  629.                                | Drivers.                                     
  630. XICON05.ZIP     89299  05-09-93  Convert Windows icons to OS/2 icons.         
  631. ZFRMS110.ZIP   190847  09-06-93  OS/2 and DOS text-mode libraries. New        
  632.                                | version adds mouse support and sound.        
  633.                                | Easy to use, but very powerful! MSC6,        
  634.                                | C/Set, Borland, EMX/GCC supported.           
  635. ZIP201X2.ZIP   124629  09-19-93  Info-ZIP v2.0.1 for OS/2 2.x                 
  636.                                | Executable.                                  